Dangers of Smoking Health

02 May, 2011

That's the title of which must have view what would I mentioned that is related to dangers of smoking to health for smokers or people around smokers. Actually, if we observe about the cigarettes, then we will know that smoker  already know dangers of smoking for his health, But for smokers of cigarettes, smoking is a must or leability, so that they can not leave lifestyle with no smoking, eventhough  if for him and weighed in the light and smoke damage, it can be ascertained more disadvantages. Cigarette indeed very hazardous to health, Just imagine every time inhaling cigarette smoke, whether it's intentional or not, it means also suck more than 4,000 kinds of toxins! Therefore, smoking the same by including the toxins were into the oral cavity and lungs of course. And even more interesting is not just smokers who suffer the consequences of smoking, but someone near smokers  if inhaling cigarette smoke from the smoker and he also entered the poison into his body, for it calls for smokers to smoke the place that has been provided and are not in place general. Now, the number of smokers in the world are increasing rapidly, even dominated by young people, this dominance is because they assume with smoking then they will look cool, cool, etc.. stories based smoking history, Cigarettes initially used as a complement when  god rituals by native American peoples. For more details about  dangers smoking to health please refer to the little stories below:

Cigarettes must not be separated from raw materials of manufacture, namely tobacco. In Indonesia, tobacco plus clove and other ingredients are mixed to make cigarettes Kretek. In addition Kretek, Tobacco can also be used as hand-rolled cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco pipes, and smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco or chewing tobacco). Gas component of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, ammonia, acid hidrosianat, nitrogen oxides, and formaldehyde. Particle form of tar, indole, nicotine, karbarzol, and cresol. These substances are toxic, irritating, and cause cancer (carcinogens).

Substances most frequently discussed and researched in Roko adalh nicotine, nicotine can poison the body's nerves, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels, and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. Levels of 4-6 mg of nicotine inhaled by adults every day can make a person addicted. In the United States, white cigarettes on the market had higher levels of 8-10 mg of nicotine per stem, while in Indonesia, 17 mg nicotine yield per stem. This means that the potential would be greater dependence on cigarettes in Indonesia than  in America, which later  will result in many smokers are there.

Lead generated by a cigarette of 0.5 ug. A packet of cigarettes (20 cigarettes contents) which sucked out in one day will generate 10 ug. While the danger threshold of lead that enters the body is 20 mcg per day. It is conceivable, when a heavy smoker smoked an average of 2 packs of cigarettes per day, how many of these harmful substances into the body! And you can imagine what will also happened to him.

GAS carbon monoxide (CO)
Carbon Monoxide has a strong tendency to bind to hemoglobin in red blood cells. Supposedly, this hemoglobin binds with oxygen which is essential for respiration of body cells, but because the CO gas is stronger than oxygen, the CO gas is captured place "in the" hemoglobin. Be, hemoglobin coupled with CO gas. CO gas levels in the blood of nonsmokers is less than 1 percent, while the blood of smokers to reach 4-15 percent. Many times over!

Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals in the solid component of cigarette smoke, and is a carcinogen. At the time of cigarettes smoked, the tar into the oral cavity as a dense vapor. Once cool, it will become solid and form a brown precipitate on the surface of the teeth, respiratory tract, and lungs. Precipitation varies between 3-40 mg per cigarette, while the levels of tar in cigarettes range from 24-45 mg.

Smoking can cause changes in the structure and function of airway and lung tissue. In large airways, mucous cells enlarge (hypertrophy) and mucus gland multiply (hyperplasia). In small airways, there was mild inflammation due to increased cell constriction and mucus buildup. In lung tissue, an increase in the number of inflammatory cells and damage to the alveoli.Due to changes in the anatomy of the airways, in smokers there will be changes in lung function with all kinds of clinical symptoms. This became the main basis of the occurrence of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (PPOM). It says smoking is the leading cause of occurrence of PPOM, including pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. The relationship between smoking and lung cancer have been studied in 4-5 decades. Found a strong association between cigarette smoking, particularly cigarettes, with the incidence of lung cancer. Some even expressly stated that the cigarettes as the main cause of lung cancer. Cigarette smoke particles, such as benzopiren, dibenzopiren, and urethane, known as a carcinogen. Tar is also associated with risk of cancer. Compared with nonsmokers, the possibility arises of lung cancer in smokers reach 10-30 times more frequently.

Many studies have shown a link smoking with coronary heart disease (CHD). Of the 11 million deaths per year in industrialized countries, The main smoke is tobacco smoke is inhaled directly by smokers, while the next smoke is tobacco smoke spread into the free air, which would be inhaled by another person or passive smoking. It has been found 4000 different chemicals in cigarettes, with 40 species of which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer), in which the toxic material is mostly found on the side smoke such as carbon monoxide (CO) 5 times more common in addition to smoke than The main smoke, benzopiren 3 times, and ammonia 50 times. These materials can last up to several hours in a room after smoking stops. The above is a bit of the impact of smoking to health, Actually there are very many dangers of smoking to health, it's better to leave your smoking habit, and hopefully a little explanation above about dangers smoking to health can be useful for you.

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