Shot Put The Fire Of Dragon

25 May, 2011

Indonesia was the country hardest to voice loss due to  free trade between ASEAN and China (ACFTA), other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand seems no problem. If the country enjoyed a trade surplus, Indonesia actually in deficit. Even a year ACFTA, the national industrial production decreased 50% (Media Indonesia, 04.28.2011). Is there a possibility this figure ballooned to 75%? Could the national industry total dead? If there is no quick and precise handling, the statement of former U.S. Prsriden Benjamin Franklin deserves the question, "No Nation ever Ruined by Trade" Why Indonesia distraught face ACFTA while other ASEAN member Relax take it easy? What's wrong? Failing to plan, is planning to fail (Corey Pierce). Planning becomes the most important management functions and crucial in running an organization. Other functions such as organizing, directing and controlling will not be able to walk without a plan, goals, strategies, goals and development plans of activities. Then what is the purpose Indonesia following the ACFTA? Just follow the fashion or appeared to neighboring countries that Indonesia is able. ACFTA framework agreement which was signed in Phnom Penh in 2002 contains the objectives of the ASEAN-China trade cooperation, strengthen and enhance economic cooperation, trade and investment between member countries, liberalize and promote trade in goods and services and creating a transparent system of investment , liberal and simple step by step, explore new cooperation areas and develop appropriate policy particulars ekononi cooperation between member countries and facilitate the interaction of new economies of ASEAN countries and bridging the gap among member countries. All purpose ACFTA empties into market share. Both ASEAN and China needs a larger market to market national products, respectively. Indonesia has signed the treaty, meaning that Indonesia's objectives are in harmony and in line with the objectives ACFTA. When the other ASEAN countries have qualified strategy in the face of ACFTA, in Indonesia, the authorities responsible for more fun and take care of all the political rather than economic affairs. How does the plan work? A work plan is detailed, who does what, when the processing time limits, and measures as may be necessary and important to be clear. But what happened? Parties involved in the development of Indonesia's economy more speak but not action infrastructure improvements, talking about the bad bureaucracy and increase the competitiveness debate rather than prepare a work plan. Everyone longed for success, no one was planning a failure. However, such wise words from Pierce, failed to make the plan means planning to fail, be aware, Indonesia is planning to fail. Why can? Already described that the plan consists of three important points; objectives, strategies and plans activities / work, unfortunately, Indonesia only meet one condition. There are two missing link is a strategy and plan of activities that have been found. Indonesia has a goal but Indonesia does not have a strategy and plan of activities in achieving that goal. Or Just imagine/ dream. I want this, I want it but do not do anything. Do not let the flame burn down the dragon of the Indonesian economy, do not wait for Indonesia to stay the name. Not to re-negotiate ACFTA. Set strategy, set action plans and execution.

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