The Dai Million Faithful Dies

06 July, 2011

Zainuddin Mz Dies/ Died Tueday morning, July 5, 2011. Zainuddin was taken to hospital by his family. However, the former chairman of the Reform Star Party had breathed his las arrival in the Cnetral Pertamina Hospital (RSPP), South Jakarta, without a chance to get treatment. "Deceased came brought by the famili at 9:20 pm. When examined had no indication vital sign, no sign of life, "said Staff Community Relations Pertamina Central Hospital, titi Wahyuni, when contacted by tempo, however, Titi said the team doctors take immedite medical action standard, basic life support, although known to have no signs are still alive. Until now the doctors have not been able to confirm the cause of death 'Dai Million Faithful" it. According to the family, died or death Zainuddin did have a history of the disease have suffered long enough. he also underwent routine treatment but not at the Pertamina Central Hospital. Zainuddin deceased now also has taken home by the familiy to the funeral home. Return famous dai million people, KH Zainuddin MZ a sudden, making the public was shocked and sorry. So far there has benn no official statement from the family and the hospital abot the pain suffered Zainuddin MZ. Good deeds in the World he had been received in the side of God Almighty, may it be a useful propaganda for us all ,Amen

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