HIV is aggressive disease and non discriminatory virus affective every single country throughout the world regardless of income, religion or culture. HIV today has become just a pressing a social. cultural and an economic challenge for the world as much as a medical one, in the way that it has required all of us to re-examine our lifestyles and relationships. As HIV predominantly strikes as the heart of our societies, affecting the most active population of young and middle aged adults, it destroy the pillars of our communities economically, socially and culturally. What's worse is that while HIV creates condition that exacerbate poverty if in the end has a cyclical effect, making those societies even more vulnerable to the spread of HIV and AIDS. Like any other Asian country HIV has made it's way into Indonesia. despite it's religious practices and culture norms. Although considered a low prevalence country (0.01%) since the first case of HIV was reported in Indonesia in 1987, Indonesia the world's fourth most populous country, now has estimate 90,000-130,000 people living with HIV and AIDS. Add to this estimate vulnerable population of between 13-20 milliom people and there is great cause for concern. The government responded to the spread of HIV and AIDS within its borders through a Presidential Decree in 1994 that mandated the creation of the National AIDS Commision, as well as AIDS commissions at the local level. More recently in August 2006 an unparalleled Presidential Regulation in the history of the Indonesia AIDS response was issued where President Yudhoyono himself take responsibility for the national AIDS response, commits to scale up programmes across the country and commits to government funding all levels.
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