Why do people love Indonesia smoking?

01 July, 2011

How to reduce school children even liberating and these poor people from secondhand smoke? While prices are very cheap cigarettes and tobacco advertising is still heavily in the media and the government has not seriously address the problem of smoking, then it may be difficult to resist these smokers. Some of the arguments about the proliferation of cigarette smoke in Indonesia, is this country still needs development funds, and one of the largest sources of tax is nicotine, the cigarette industry that there has absorbed millions of workers and the fate and lives of tobacco farmers. The reason is generally only individual smokers smoked one cigarette, just for fun only, the association, still young, still able to stop later on, so until next few years the estimated number of smokers is increasing. This trend will increase and worsen if there is any intervention from the appropriate authorities and interested parties. This is a problem, our families and children, communities and nations Indonesia.Korban cigarette smoke has also been falling due to serious health risks, including cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular disease, bad breath, oral cancer, which eventually will hit the whole body humans and cause negative consequences for himself, his family, especially children anak.Sebagian of smokers in Indonesia do not really understand this result. This condition is made worse because many smokers than among the poor whose health and welfare are particularly vulnerable. Especially with children who are in need of nutritious food, but his father chose rokok.Kisah smoke this cigarette smoke will widen, because children who are malnourished also be passive smokers because every time to come, too inhaling smoke skirt. Therefore, against smokers in essence can be done with persuasive communication, among others, by putting pictures of the victim's chest cavity as a result of cigarette smoking, lung cancer parur-on packs of cigarettes or banners in strategic places. In addition, this persuasive communication will succeed by example shown by parents and teachers in schools who do not smoke. Attitudes to reject tobacco smoke needs to be done simultaneously, for example, through anti-smoking social movements. Still no room or opportunity for those who dare to resist cigarette smoke, by showing the attitude that his choice not to smoke is the right choice of individuals who are also human rights.

1 Comment:

Blogger said...

Are you paying more than $5 per pack of cigs? I buy all my cigarettes at Duty Free Depot and I save over 70%.

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