Adolescent need more space to define who they are but it doesn't mean they don't need a guide in shaping their values and attitudes. Peer groups are one of the most influencing factors that affects adolescents development. Although family is influential in the frame of the adolescent's development, adolescent's is also time when teenagers spend most of their time and energy with close friend. It is well known that the influence that friend brings could be either positve or negative. A junior high school boy learns how to smoke while junior high scholl girls learn about dressing up. Some high school students could be influenced to take drug because a peer preasure, while at the same time other could be motivated to achieve better academic performances by observing their friends succes. Yet, not one can be sure this kind influence is safe for the adolescents psychological development. But at least, friend can give a support to peers and accept their changes, without judging their life.
If adolescent can not integrate their new identifications and roles, their personality will be fragmented, lacking something like a core. Other factors can play, such as: belonging to a minority group (feeling of rejection), uncertainty regarding their sexual orientation, overly strong indentification with one of the parent, or inability to choose between many occupational roles. We should be careful regarding these risk factors. They can be affect adolescents as they can be the leading causes of some risky behaviors.
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