Smart Intervention 21st Century United State

22 May, 2011

The more warming political situation, law and security in the Middle East countries is not a mere coincidence, but not free from the influence of political pressure from the United States (U.S.) and its allies who are beating the drums right of democracy, human rights protection, and principles of good governance in the world, especially in countries where the country’s leader is dictatorial and often misuse of authority. Husni Mubarok fall of Leadership in Egypt is one example in tabuhkannya drum of democracy, protection of human rights and the principles of good governance by the United States, as well as the more inflame the spirit of the demonstrators in neighboring countries such as Yemen, Libya and so on.
Since the collapse of building the twin World Trade Centre (WTC) belonging to the United States by terrorists in the claims done by the radical Al-Qaeda network leader Osama Bin Laden since then U.S. President, George W. Bush declared the war drums against terrorists. All kinds of U.S. military action will be made by President Bush to combat terrorism, as happened in Afghanistan, eventually destroying Afghanistan because the U.S. is considered as a place of refuge bases his leadership of Al Qaeda. Military action against terrorism in the Campaign by President Bush did not in itself but from time to time, President Bush always campaigned drums for war against terrorism to both the developed countries, developing or third world countries. The campaign against terrorism itself eventually became an international issue that increasingly warm. It is therefore not surprising eventually the United Nations was finally right to make the International Convention against Terrorism Crimes. The U.S. military aggression to the middle east region with root out the reasons why terrorism is increasingly becoming so, as occurred in Afghanistan and Iraq in a decade is an example of U.S. military action is very brutal and hard on the receipt by the world community, in which the U.S. acts like destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq have another purpose that is expanding hegemony and disrupt the country’s sovereignty in the Middle East region. Moreover, they readied themselves with the international instruments on terrorism crimes created by the United Nations, the United States and its allies have increasingly become so in expanding its hegemony and disrupt the sovereignty of countries in the region middle east. Political chaos, law and security which occurred today in Egypt, Yemen and Libya in particular seems to no longer caused by the issue of terrorism such as that in the Campaign by President Bush, but the issues of democracy, protection of human rights and good governance principles.
The election of a new U.S. president, Barack Obama, seem to prefer the “smart” in expanding the “hegemony”The U.S. and disrupt the country’s sovereignty in the Middle East. The existence of issues of humanitarian intervention, abusive use of authority, the use of armed violence and grave violations of International Humanitarian Law by the leaders of middle eastern countries seem to be a “target shooting” the U.S. in overthrowing the country’s leaders or in terms of giving encouragement to demostran to overthrow the leaders country’s dictator. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign on the importance of democracy, protection of human rights and good governance principles in the world is more easily accepted by the community in general and Middle Eastern communities in particular who are longing for leaders of democratic countries. One example is what happened in Libya, the Libyan leader, is considered Mohammar Gadhafi has made humanitarian intervention and abusive use of authority in anti-government demonstrators attacked by the soldiers who killed many lives. Apparently what happened in Libya right now is with the help her anti governmet  protesters by U.S. forces and allies in the face Ghadhafi, his army and his supporters more easily accepted by the world community, especially by middle eastern people are longing for a democratic government in comparison with action ever undertaken by President Bush earlier in the Middle East countries. Intervention “Smart” is impacting the U.S. against countries other than the Middle East that still upholds the values ​​of democracy and anyone who opposed the values ​​of democracy, protection of human rights and good governance so be prepared to deal with the U.S.. Therefore do not be surprised if the State Rebuplik Indonesia in order to protect the good relationship the U.S. premises because of the persistence of economic debt to the IMF, the government we really crave the life of a democratic government. But hopefully the Indonesian government yearning of the importance of democratic values ​​rather than to U.S. interests alone but because aware of the importance of democratic values ​​in the course of honest government for the welfare of Indonesian people.

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